NPYB Rules

For NPYB rules questions, please contact

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The objective of the North Port Youth Basketball League is to promote and provide a wholesome recreational basketball program for the youth residing in the
North Port area. The association is to encourage and foster positive sportsmanship standards, cultivate good playing skills and promote cordial and friendly relationships among the participants, coaches and parents.


NPYB, Inc is open to all boys and girls, ages 6 through 14. Within the league, the following divisions have been established:
5-7,8-9,10-11,12-13,14-17 all of these divisions are co-ed.
Age is determined by YBOA guidelines the date of birth cut off is September 1.
An appropriate number of teams will be formed within each division so as to allow the maximum number of youths to participate throughout the season.

The registration fee, established by the board at the beginning of each season, covers the costs of player uniforms, equipment purchase, gym rental, referees,
insurance, trophies, as well as other related expenses.


A. Uniforms
All participants will receive an official uniform, consisting of a jersey. Players will not be allowed to participate in league games unless they are dressed in their regulation uniform. Players may not alter the look of the uniform during the season including cutting off the sleeves or the waist of their shirt.
Additionally, each player must provide his or her own pair of court shoes. Male players are encouraged to use athletic supporters during all practice and gameactivities. Players will not be allowed to wear jewelry, watches, etc. during play. Players wearing glasses must use a head strap to keep the glasses firmly in place
during the games.

B. Ball Sizes
Coed 5-7 = 27.5” size 4
8-9, 28.5 (Regulation Women)
10-11, 28.5 (Regulation Women)
12-13, 29.5 (Full Size)
14-17 Boys= 29.5” (Full Size)

The league will arrange for playing facilities for official games. Facilities at this time include the George Mullen Center, and the Morgan Family Community Center. Other facilities may be used as the league expands.

Practices may not begin until date specified by the league. Each team will practice, at least, once per week during the season. A team may not practice more than
twice per week after the season starts. Individual practices should not exceed 1-1/2 hours per session. All practices are to stress fundamentals, no more than 15
minutes of scrimmage play should be held.

Season registration announcements will be dispersed to the citizens of North Port through placement of posters in local recreation centers, as well as through the
local newspapers. Players may register for league play during the open registration session. The purpose of the open registration session is to computerize the
player's name, address, telephone number, uniform size requirements, previous number of seasons played, as well as collection of participation fees.

Teams will be formed using a draft process that will try to disperse both playing ability and height equitably across all teams in each division. The draft will be
based upon a "rated by skill level". Each team will be drafted to include a balanced array of variously skilled participants. No team shall have more than 10 or
fewer than 5 participants. Teams are considered frozen after the draft there are no trades unless approved by the Team Placement Coordinator. No players canbe frozen except the head coach's child.
A. Waiting List
All players registering for the league after the completion of the draft will be placed on a waiting list for possible inclusion onto a team as openings becomeavailable. No new players will be added to a team after the 3rd week of a season, unless the team has only the minimum number of players remaining.
B. Team Openings
For a player to be "officially" dropped from a team, the player's coach must contact the league’s Team Placement Coordinator who will then contact the player'sparents to determine or reaffirm the reason(s) for the player leaving the team. Refunds after the league starts will be granted only in extraordinary cases. Openteam slots will only be filled from the league's waiting list. It is the responsibility of each coach to keep the Team Placement Coordinator informed as to the statusof his team's membership so that all teams can be maintained at full strength, thus allowing maximum participation by community youths.

Participation awards will be presented to all players at the conclusion of the season-ending tournament.

NPYB, Inc. represents the highest standards of sportsmanship and personal conduct. No player shall engage in conduct that is damaging to the reputation or image of NPYB, Inc. Violent outbursts of anger either at practice or games, use of profane language, destruction of equipment or facilities, disrespect towards other players, coaches, officials, team members, parents or the public or deliberate attempts to cause injury to another player will not be tolerated and could mean termination from the league. Any person witnessing such conduct may complete a Code of Conduct Complaint Form. This form is provided as an attachment to these rules. These enforcement procedures delineate the process for handling NPYB, Inc Code of Conduct enforcement. Players who are unable to behave in accordance with thestandards of the league will not be allowed to continue playing in the NPYB, Inc.

NPYB, Inc has established a parental code of conduct that parents must sign before their child can play for NPYB, Inc. (please see code of conduct form)

Every coach is to be a positive role model and should strive to project an image to parents, officials, opposing coaches and players that demonstrate the highest
moral ethics and sportsmanship during all NPYB, Inc. activities.
A. Pre-Season Orientation Program
All coaches and their assistants, regardless of the number of years of prior basketball experience; must attend a NPYB, Inc preseason orientation seminar for the purpose of reviewing league rules and regulations, as well as understanding the scope of the coaching commitment. An orientation program will be scheduled before practices start for all coaching staff. The program will consist of an overview of league organization, philosophy and rules, it will provide an opportunity to address questions, identify available resources, and meet fellow coaches, and Board members, as well as establish a solid communication foundation from which to begin the new season.
B. Prerequisites
Head coaches must be 18 years or older and approved by the league president prior to the start of the season. Coaches who did not uphold the standards of the association in previous years' activities will not be allowed to return to NPYB, Inc in a coaching capacity. All Coaches must sign a NPYB, Inc Coaches disclosure
C. Evaluations
Each coach and assistant coach will be evaluated by members of the board at the conclusion of the regular season. Evaluations will be made on the coach's ability to work with young people, attendance at required league meetings, timely response in submitting NPYB, Inc forms, basic knowledge of basketball, general attitude and demeanor around the team, etc. This information will be confidentially maintained by the board for use in development of additional orientation materials, as well as consideration in approving coaches for subsequent seasons. Coaches will be required to evaluate each of their own players towards the end of the season. The league will provide a standard form on which generalized skill and attitude information will be recorded by the coaching staff. This information is subsequently combined in the next year’s draft to provide a more accurate reference of where each player should be placed in the draft configuration. All player evaluation forms must be turned into the league president before the team will be allowed to compete in the final tournament. These player evaluations will be kept confidential.

Each coach represents the league through his/her actions on and off the court and, as such, must strive to uphold the following "CODE OF CONDUCT" standards: Coaches are encouraged to utilize a "positive reward" system of recognizing individual and team achievements. Players should not be admonished by the coach or fellow teammates for not being able to perform some level of activity; rather they should be individually coached in an effort to help the youth gain greater skills.
Coaches must recognize the sovereignty of the referees during all games. The board will arrange for training for all NPYB, Inc referees before the start of the season and will fully support their officiating decisions made during the games. Coaches are to remain flexible and realize that each referee is performing to the best of his/her ability and, yet, questionable calls may arise during games. If a coach feels that a referee has committed serious errors and, consequently, had a detrimental effect on the outcome of a game, he/she may contact the president. Coaches are not to encourage nor allow their team to "run up" the score against an opponent. A win by a greater margin than 25 points is deemed excessive. Tactics such as player substitution, as permitted under the minimum/maximum playing time restrictions of the league, as well as rotation of ball handling responsibilities should be used to keep the score differences within acceptability.
Players are asked to remain seated the entire time they are on the bench. Outbursts of anger or vulgarity directed at the officials or players will not be tolerated. Such occurrences will result in 1st offense 1 game suspension. 2nd offense is termination from the league for life.
Only players and coaches are allowed on the bench – YOU MUST HAVE YOUR COACHING BADGE. Spectators will be required to sit in the stands. Coaches are allowed one assistant coach. Every team must have a coach present, on the bench, for the entire game.
Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their team's fans and parents. Fans or parents that become abusive or disorderly will be asked by the officials and coaches to leave the gym. The coaches must fully support this decision by the referee(s). Coaches are expected to work closely with the league president and the board in quickly resolving problems that arise and providing feedback on ways to improve the program for the following year. Coaches and parents are encouraged to provide input to the board to assist in developing and administering future NPYB activities.
Coaches have the responsibility of providing each parent with a complete season game and practice schedule. Coaches must also keep parents informed of all changes in the original schedule.
Coaches and parents are to make all necessary arrangements to ensure that players will be promptly picked up after practices/games.
Coaches who cannot uphold the standards of the league will not be allowed to continue in a coaching capacity.
Coaches who receive two un-sportsmanship technical fouls during the season will be terminated, and an alternate coach will be placed with the team.



The League shall be governed under the conditions published by the National Federation of State High School Association (NFSHA) entitled The Basketball
Official's Manual. This manual is available through the Board. Exceptions to this manual can be made by NPYB, Inc for respective divisions whenever deemed
necessary. The following summarization of rules is provided and would take precedence over any conflict with NFSHA rules.

Technical fouls can be assessed against a team or any of its members by the game's officials for any number of reasons including un-sportsmanlike conduct by players and/or coaches, as well as playing time violations as stipulated in the Rules. NPYB, Inc. technical fouls are divided into two broad categories –individual and team. "Individual technical" result from aberrant or overly aggressive behavior from individual players or coaches. "Team technical" will be assessed against the team itself, not a specific individual on the team, for violations of the general or playing NPYB, Inc. rules. In either case, any technical foul assessed against one team will result in the other team being awarded two (2) free throw and subsequent in bounding of the ball. Coaches and/or players receiving two or more individual technical fouls in a game will be automatically ejected from the remainder of that game and further suspended from participating in the next scheduled game. Any team receiving a total of three (3) individual technical fouls will automatically forfeit the game regardless of the score. A team may incur an unlimited number of team technical during a game; however, each technical foul will result in bonus free throws and in bounding of the ball for the opposing team as described above.

There is no overtime for the 8-9 Age Division games. For the 10-11 Age Division, 12-13 Age Division and 14-17 Age Division, if the game ends after regulation play in a tied score, a maximum of two-3 minute overtime periods can be played. The first "OT" period consists of three (3) full minutes of regular play. If the score still remains tied after the first "OT", a second sudden death victory period is played until one team scores at which time the game is over. If the score still remains tied at the end of the second "OT" period, overtime periods are played until we have a winner. Both "OT" periods begin with a jump ball.

4. Game Times
All games for all divisions will be played utilizing four 10-minute quarters with a running clock. The clock shall be stopped during time-outs. The clock is also stopped during the last minute of each quarter and OT play. There will be a one (1) minute break between each quarter and a (3) minute break at halftime for all divisions. A Time of at least 5 minutes will be allotted for pre-game warm-up activities before the start of the game. In order to keep the game within the allotted time period, the length of the rest periods may be altered at the discretion of the referees.

There are a maximum of four (4) timeouts allotted to each team, which may be used at any time during regulation play. Each team will be allotted only one (1) timeout for each overtime period played. Unused time-outs from the first four quarters cannot be carried over into the overtime periods. A technical foul will be assessed against a team that calls for a time out when they have none available. The referee may also call an official's time-out to attend to an injured player or review problems associated with the scorebook, clock, etc. The official's time-out is not charged to either team.

The following playing time restrictions are based upon the number of players present on a team at the beginning of the second quarter. With 7 or 8 Players Available
*All participants must play 2 full quarters, start-to-finish.
*All players must sit out one full quarter, start-to-finish. Players may not be reinstated into the playing lineup under any circumstances during this quarter even if another player has fouled out or has been injured. If a player fouls out or is injured the opposing coach will select a player from the bench.
Exception is 6 and 7 division
With 6 Players Available
*All players must play 3 full quarters, start-to-finish. The opposing coach will have the option of designating which player, of those playing in the first quarter; will sit out the second quarter. A coach must notify the officials and the opposing coach when he/she has only 6 players available at the start of the second quarter.
Violation of this notice will result in a technical foul and the opposing coach will then have the option of designating which player, of those playing in the first or second quarter, will sit out the fourth quarter, however, if the opposing coach has only five players available for the game, he/she may not exercise this option.
With 5 Players Available
All players will play the entire game.
A team must have, at least, four (4) players in order to start a game.
Player Arriving Late
A player who arrives late for a game may have special restrictions on the number of required playing quarters as follows: A player arriving after the start of a quarter will not be allowed to play in that same quarter. Players arriving before the start of the second quarter shall play all of their allotted quarters as defined above and are not governed by any special playing time restrictions. If the player arrives during the second quarter of the game, the player must play, at least, one quarter and may be allowed to play two quarters at the discretion of the coach.
A player arriving after the start of the third quarter will not be allowed to play in that game. If a playing time violation occurs during a game, a technical foul will be assessed against the offending team. "During the game" is defined as any time after the players have taken their positions on the court and the ball has been thrown into play. If the violation involves a player with less than two full quarters of playing time, that player will be reinstated immediately into the game. If the violation involves a player who has already played his/her full three quarters, that player will be immediately removed from the game and be replaced by another eligible player.
It is the scorekeeper's responsibility to correctly record each quarter a player has played in the game. If a violation of the playing time happens it is the offending coach's responsibility to adjust his/her lineup to correct the problem and it will result in a technical foul. A player leaving the game early must check out through the scorekeeper. His/her coach must also notify the officials and the opposing coach when the player is dismissed.
Playing time violations are to be resolved during the game. They are not considered as acceptable grounds for formally protesting the outcome of the game. A seriously injured player will not be held accountable to the playing time requirements. Any bleeding must be stopped and the wound must be covered before the player will be allowed to re-enter a practice or game.

Each coach shall provide a parent to serve as the scorekeeper for each game. These individuals must sit at the official's sideline table located at half court during the game. The coach is responsible to check in his/her team before the start of the game, this includes but is not limited to: listing your roster at the scorers table with first and last name and player number, you should also at that time submit your starting line-up. If this is not done before the end of the warm-up period this could result in a delay of game technical foul.
Scorekeeper -Responsible for accurately recording the following information on the game's official score sheet - points scored by each player during each quarter of play, number of quarters played by each team member, number of personal and team fouls committed, number of time-outs taken and the running

8. 20-POINT RULE for Division’s 8-9,10-11,12-13,14-18
In the interest of competitive play, no team leading by twenty (20) points or more may pressure the ball in the opponent's back court area. After the 20 point threshold has been passed teams must play man to man defense unitl the team that is down gets within 20 points (this does not apply to 8-9 division where man defense must be played entire game) One warning will be issued for the first offense; a technical foul will be issued against the coach on the second and subsequent violations.

If a team is winning by more than the mercy rule of 20 points. Both teams may sub in players of lesser skills to get them additional playing time. This rule applies in the 4th quarter only.

None, zero, Zilch. If problems arise during a game they must be resolved between the two coaches and officials at the time of the infraction.

The game officials (referees) have the responsibility to ensure that the rules and regulations of basketball, as adopted by the League, are adhered to in all games. The referees are given complete authority by the League to make whatever calls or decisions are necessary to govern the play of the game. Each referee will sign the official score sheet after the conclusion of the game. Coaches, players and fans are not to harass the referees in any manner concerning their officiating decisions. Coaches are directly responsible for the conduct of their team's fans during and after all game activities. Any display of disrespect including inappropriate comments, physical gesturing, vulgarity or other forms of unsportsmanlike conduct directed at the officials will result in a technical foul(s)
being assessed against the coach. Concurrently, the offending player/coach may be required to appear before the League’s Conduct Enforcement Committee for subsequent disciplinary action. If questions should arise or clarification of a call is necessary, the referee should be approached courteously and politely. When instructions are given to the teams or coaches, a representative from both teams should be present.
If a coach feels that a complaint or protest concerning a referee decision(s) should be brought to the attention of the League, he/she will contact an Officer concerning the matter. If deemed necessary by the Officer, the matter will be reported to the Referee Coordinator for investigation.


5 through 7 age Division (Junior Size 27.5 ball)
Baskets will set to 9 ft. There will be 5 players from each team. Double dribble and traveling violations will be called if excessive or giving offensive player advantage. Free throw line will be 8ft from basket. No time limit in key. All other rules same as 8 and 9 division.

Ages 8-9 Division Boys and Girls (Junior Size 28.5” Ball)
Must play man-to-man defense in all four quarters. NO PRESSING AT ANY POINT IN GAME. Man-to-Man defense is defined as requiring the defensive player to remain within six (6) feet from their assigned offensive player a technical foul will be assessed for the second and subsequent violations.
Example A -Unfair defensive advantage occurs when an offensive ball handler has not dribbled past his defender and a second man leaves his assigned player and moves over to also defend the ball handler. Two men guarding the ball is a double-team.
Example B -When a defensive player leaves his man, who may or may not have possession of the ball, to double-team another player (underneath the basket or anywhere else on the floor), this constitutes a double-team situation which takes unfair advantage off an offensive team.

Example A -Unfair offensive tactic would include a player formation on the court that continuously isolates one offensive player on one defensive player.

An offensive player may not spend more than 5 consecutive seconds in the lane (paint), however if a legitimate shot attempt is made the 5 second count resets

10-11 Division
Free throw line 15 feet from basket. An offensive player may not spend more than 3 consecutive seconds in the lane (paint), however if a legitimate shot attempt is made the 3 second count resets . All other high school rules apply. May use man defense or zone defense. ( Zone defense must return to man defense after team is up by 20 or more points.)

Ages 12-13 Division

Free throw line 15 feet from basket
An offensive player may not spend more than 3 consecutive seconds in the lane (paint), however if a legitimate shot attempt is made the 3 second count resets . All other high school rules apply. May use man defense or zone defense. ( Zone defense must return to man defense after team is up by 20 or more points.)

Ages 14-17 Division and
May use zone defense and full court press
Free throw line 15 feet from basket
An offensive player may not spend more than 3 consecutive seconds in the lane (paint), however if a legitimate shot attempt is made the 3 second count resets. All other high school rules apply. May use man defense or zone defense. ( Zone defense must return to man defense after team is up by 20 or more points.)

These procedures establish the process for enforcing the NPYB, Inc Code of Conduct. The NPYB, Inc Rules/Code of Conduct shall be distributed to each Manager and Team Representative at the start of the season. All written complaints of violations to the Code of Conduct shall be made and resolved according to these enforcement procedures.
Enforcement Procedures
1. Goals
NPYB, Inc. has adopted these procedures to provide an expedited method for resolving all complaints fairly. The procedures balance the desire to provide a reasonable opportunity to be heard to both the person making the complaint and the person against whom the complaint is made with the desire to impose disciplinary action, if any, promptly. With this balance in mind, the procedures provide that all complaints will be resolved within one month. Deadlines may be extended only by the league president if extenuating circumstance justifies the delay.
2. Making a Complaint
Any person who believes that a player or coach has violated the Code of Conduct must submit a written complaint to the President, or, ONLY in the President’s absence, any NPYB, Inc. Officer. The complaint must be submitted by Monday evening following weekend game play. Either a “Code of Conduct Complaint Form” (included with these Procedures) or an Email must be used, and all the information must be included in your complaint. The complaint should include any supporting statements of other witnesses.
3. Resolving the Complaint
The President upon receiving the complaint shall provide a copy of the written complaint and the supporting statements, if any, to the person against whom the complaint is made by the Tuesday evening following the weekend play.
b. The President will present the facts of the case to the Conduct Compliance Committee. The Committee can then choose to either meet with, or call, the person making the complaint as well as the person against whom the complaint was made. Other witnesses and those making statements may also be called upon. Any meeting, if deemed necessary, will take place preferably by Thursday night. The Committee has the right to ask questions of all parties. The Committee has the right to control the hearing in a manner that it deems appropriate, including imposing strict time requirements on any presentations. When the Committee is satisfied that it has a sufficient understanding of the facts and issues, the Committee will terminate the hearing.
c. The Committee will make its decision as soon as possible but no later than thirty (30) days from the complaint. A majority vote of the Committee will determine the outcome. In case of a tie the President’s vote determines the outcome.
d. The Committee will notify both parties as to its decision and any discipline that will be imposed, if any. All Committee decisions are final with no appeal.
Code of Conduct Complaint Form

1) Person making the Complaint:_______________________________________________
2) Phone Number: __________________________________________________________
3) Person against whom the complaint is made: ____________________________________
4) Please state the facts (who, what, where, when, why, and/or how) that describe the conduct that you believe violates the NPYB, Inc. Code of Conduct. Please
include the names and Phone Numbers of others (if known) and of any other persons who witnessed the offending conduct (use additional paper if needed)
attach any supporting written statements if you have them.


Our annual Board of Directors meeting is coming up in January, 2025 and we are going to have a few board positions open. If you are interested, or have questions please see one of the board members or email us at

NPYB is coming back!  Registration is currently closed!

Make sure to Like us on Facebook for future updates.

Check back as dates and times may change

Online registration with credit card will be available November 4th, 2024

** Mailed or Emailed registration forms will not be accepted

Early Registration Nov 3rd – 9th


Late Registration after Dec. 4th

Family Max Amount is TBD
For Financial Assistance click here

We will be holding the ref clinic TBD at TBD at the Morgan Center. Anyone interested in reffing this season needs to attend.

Tentative Dates
Practice Starts  Week of January 27th, 2025
First Games: February 1st, 2025
Last Games 
Picture Day 

Board Meetings at the Morgan Center:

Next Meeting January 18th, 2025